
About the Goddess

Ambika *Shakti Peeth is located in Vairatgram in Jaipur, Rajasthan. It is believed that the toes of Sati fell here. The Goddess is accompanied by Amrit as the *Bhairav. The Goddess embodies compassion, love, and a nurturing motherly spirit. The temple is located on top of a hill surrounded by a vast expanse of barren land. She is worshipped for family wellbeing and protection


Message from the Goddess


COMPASSION : The Goddess wants you to release your past by forgiving everyone who has hurt you in your journey of life. You have to start by forgiving yourself. The Goddess wants you to be truly compassionate to your own self, drop all self-judgements and stop being hard on yourself. She believes you should nurture good thoughts and release everything that attracts negativity in your life. The Goddess is showering you with the gift of compassion and healing your heart from pain and sadness