Goddess Varahi

About the Goddess

This *Shakti Peeth is located in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh and it is believed that Sati’s teeth (lower jaw) fell here. The Goddess resides here as Varahi and *Bhairav associated with her is Maharudra. The name ‘Varahi’ is also related to the Varaha Avatar of Lord Vishnu. This *Shakti Peeth is considered unique as Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu, and Goddess Adi Shakti – all three are worshipped here for dispelling fears and protection


Message from the Goddess

PROTECTION : She is a warrior Goddess with primal force and raw energy. She is there to protect you and establish stability. You are guarded by the animal spirit. Release your fears and know that you are watched over. This phase of life will change and the struggles will be over. There will be positive times ahead leading to stability. The Goddess Varahi wants you to march ahead and not be bogged down by the challenges that you are facing now. There is a masculine support waiting for you, take help and know that your future is secured.